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How to build a sound effect maker with an Arduino board - STEM electronics activity
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a sound effect maker step-by-step with an Arduino board. Pick your electronic components and code it
Scientist activity for 6th grade: How to make a sun tracker with a servo motor and Arduino
In this quick tutorial, we will learn how to make a DIY sun tracker with a Arduino board, cardboard and a servomotor. Check it out...
STEM Show-and-Tell in Washington DC - How to make a DIY arcade game with a Raspberry pi 5 board
Come join us for this STEM Show-and-tell in Washington DC focusing on the Raspberry pi board.
The project that will be shared is a DIY arca
Entertainment for kids : How to make a DIY Draw-Bot for kids
In this STEM tutorial, you will learn step-by-step how to make a DIY scribbling bot with with markers, a DC motor and a battery.
Learn electronics for beginners: How to make a DIY pet feeder with an Arduino board and a cardboard
You have a pet or like tinkering around. Learn electronics and coding by doing this project: how to make a DIY pet feeder with an arduino
STEM projects for kids at home: How to make a homemade Periscope with cardboard
In this step-by-step tutorial, learn how to make a homemade periscope with cardboard at home with your kids. It's a fun and easy project...
STEM activities for kids at home: How to make a DIY water wheel for kids
In this tutorial, we will see this DIY project for elementary school kids on how to make a water wheel with material from home. Check it out
Online event - STEM Show-and-Tell on how to make code a Raspberry pi board and control a servomotor and make a robot
Come join us for this online webinar event where we will focus on coding for a raspberry pi pico board. Then, we'll code a a continuous ser
How to build a toy crane for kids - STEM project for kids
In this step-by-step tutorial dedicated to kids in elementary school and above, we will see how to make a cardboard toy crane from scratch.
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