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Learning Electronics for Beginners: How to do an Arduino Servo project controlled by a potentiometer
You are looking for cool science project that can be done at hone. Tale a look at this step-by-step tutorial on how to create a electromagn

How to control a DC motor with an arduino and L293D H-bridge
This tutorial will show and explain in a shot way how to control a DC motor with an arduino uno board and a l293 integrated circuit. The L29

How to control a DC motor speed with a Arduino Uno board and a potentiometer
This tutorial shows you how to control a DC motor speed with an arduino uno and a potentiomer.
You need to gather a Arduino uno, a 6V DC mot

How to make a group of LEDS blink alternatively with a NE555 for your christmas tree
Come discover this nice tutorial showing you how to make LED blink with a NE555, a potentiometer and a capacitor at whatever frequency you w

How to connect an arduino board with an LCD screen
This short tutorial will show you how to connect a 2 x 16 lines Hitachi HD44780 to a Arduino Uno board. To start this project, you need...
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