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Online STEM demonstration for kids: Learn how to make an electronic board from Scratch
Come joins us for a free STEM live event for kids. It will focus on how to make a electronic board from scratch with basic electronics com

Scratch Week 2022: Learn coding robot with Lego
Come join us on Scratch week 2022 for a STEM online event to learn coding robot with Lego. More precisely how to code a Lego robot with Scra

STEM tips for kids: How to get your teenager started with electronics in 2022
This small tutorial will show you how to get your kids involve in learning electronics from Scratch. It will involve the Arduino Uno board a

STEM activities for kids: Lear how to make a 3D pendant with Tinkercad in 10 minutes
Learn how to design a heart pendant in less than 10 minutes on Tinkercad. This STEM tutorial for kids will teach you step-by-step how to 3D

How to make a DIY compass at home with a needle
In this small tutorial, you will learn how to make a DIY compass from home with very little. By that I mean a cork and a needle.
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How to create a DIY proximity sensor with an Arduino Uno board and an ultrasonic sensor
In this tutorial, learn how to make a DIY proximity sensor with an arduino uno board and a ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04. It will go from the el

Getting started in chemistry for kids: Learn how to make a liquid density tower
In this STEM tutorial on chemistry, the kids can learn how to make a density tower from scratch and understand the principles behind the con

How to get started with Chemistry for younger kids: How to make invisible ink - STEM
In this tutorial, we will learn how to make invisible ink with lemon and a piece of paper. This is STEM activities for kids

Online STEM Demonstration - Learn how to design a 3D object and 3D print with a 3D printer
Come join us with your kids if they want to learn and see how to modelize an object in 3 dimensions and 3D print it thereafter with a 3D pri

How to make a flashlight with a Littlebits electronics board and a paper towel roll with your kids
Your kids want to learn how to make a flashlight form scratch with littlebits electronics board and more. Read this step-by-step tut
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