Do you like technology, computers, toys, video games and novel technologies and want to continue pursuing this path?
Come join us to see how to learn coding from scratch and then practice what you have learned during this spring break camp session.
Buckle up, we will focus on:
How to code, of course
Learn basis of coding
Create stories
Create characters
Make games and video games for our characters
If you are between 8 and 11 years old, come spend some of your spring break learn how to code within a small group of like minded peers for a week.
An internet connection
Zoom installed
A computer with Windows 8.1 or higher installed or Mac OS Leopard
Camps time:
From 10:30 am to 12:00 pm (EST Time - NYC Time), every day
Dates: From Monday April 14th to Friday April 18th 2024.