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Eastcoast Reprap Festival 2018: Opensource 3D printer event in Maryland June 22 - 24 2018

Hey guys,

Either you follow the Reprap community since it's beginning or later during that period, we all have something in common. We like opensource 3D printer. It could be a Prusa, a Rostock, a Mendel or other types.

To make sure all 3d printer's fans meet and see the best and what the makers make and build, the Reprap community organise from June 22nd to 24th the "Eastcoat reprap festival". It will be located In Bel Air Maryland.

If you want to participate as spectator to see the booth or as a exhibithor to show your creations, 3D printer in that part of Maryland, you can have more details on the Eastcoat reprap fest and also subcribe or buy your tickets with this link: Eastcoat reprap festival 2018

We also have an event coming soon on April 14th during the "National Robotics week" at the Silver Sprin Library in Maryland from 2 to 4pm. More details are available with this link: National robotics week 2018 in Silver Spring Maryland

Hope you guys are excited about the article and the event. If it's the case, you can subscribe to our newsletter for more news, STEM events and tutorials at the bottom of our website. You can also like our social medias if you like to share ans like DIY and STEM activities (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Youtube).

Talk to you soon for another open source article or at another event in Maryland, DC or Virginia. ;-)


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