STEM classes on 3D modeling Robotics and programming in Maryland and Washington DC - Week of making

Hi Everyone,
The summer is coming really fast with all the sun, heat and more. But also with all the STEM summer camps 2018, STEM workshops and classes in Washington DC, Maryland and Nothern Virginia.
But before that, there is a nationwide event coming coming from June 11th to June 17th 2018. It's the National week of making in the nation. So it means a lot of creatives activities, STEM workshops, classes, organised by the makers, library, non-profit and companies all in the U.S.

On our side, to enjoy that period of time with you, we organise different STEM classes for the kids on Robotics, 3D modeling and programming.
Those different workshops will be host at 2 different locations for 3 dates which are the following:
June 13th 2018: STEM 3D modeling class in Maryland
June 15th: STEM Robotics class ''robots programming'' in Washington DC
June 16th 2018: STEM Programming class in Maryland

These are free STEM events for the all the kids, teenagers from 8 years old and older. You can subscribe to the event with the following link:
These events are from 5 to 6 pm and 7 to 8 pm depending of the location, at the Silver Spring Library in Maryland or at Shepherd Park Library.
Shepherd Park Library: 7420 Georgia Ave NW, Washington, DC 20012
Silver Spring Library: 900 Wayne Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910
For all those that don't live in Washington DC, Maryland and Nothern Virginia, you can find more infos on those STEM events nationwide with this link: STEM National week of making Washington DC area
Summer camps are coming in Maryland and Washington DC, but before that, don't forget to subscribe to those free STEM events with us in the nation's capital and have fun.

You want more events, know our last activities and tutorials, don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter which is located at the bottom of our website on the front page. Our social medias (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Youtube) is also a good way to be kept informed of our last news, camps, activities and STEM after schools in Maryland, DC and Virginia. ;-)
By waiting these robotics, robot programming and 3D modeling classes, wish you a good tinkering. ;-)
Take care.